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By James Brown
The news is out. Listen to the radio. Watch tv. Read a magazine. Everyone is delivering the news about longevity. The expression 40 is the new 30 — or 50 is the new 40 are repeated almost daily. Everyone feels the need to look younger, act younger, dress in their daughter’s clothes. How about the need to FEEL younger.
No one — and I mean no one wants to see a mature woman in a bikini or the guy in his late forties swimming in a speedo. People hardly know where to look. Instead of worrying about appearance why not concentrate on keeping yourself healthy. There are certainly enough products being sold to help you accomplish it.
Start cultivating good health habits while you are young. You can do these quickly in between classes or before the kids get home from school. These eight small habits will assist you in feeling great well into your golden years. The goal should be what activities you can do and enjoy — not how you look while doing them. Try to incorporate these eight simple tips into your routine and see what it does for you.
Stop to rest your eyes: In the middle of each day especially during allergy season sit in a comfortable chair. Use eye drops for red, itchey eyes. Then cover your eyes with a warm washcloth. Let your thoughts take you out of your surroundings for ten minutes. While the eye drops are soothing your eyes your pleasant thoughts are relaxing your entire body.
Take ten deep breaths: Breathe in as deeply as you can — then count to ten — then breathe out as slowly as you can. If you have any nasal stuffiness or feel a cold coming on rub some Vick’s Vapo Rub on your chest. It is a safe product that has been produced for ages. The vapors will remind you to breathe more deeply. This is good for your lungs. It keeps them clear and your breathing easy.
Take a walk every day. Your kids will love to go with you (if you have kids). A good walking or running shoe will make this activity even more pleasant. Dr. Scholls makes insoles for every type of shoe. There are gel-filled insoles available also. Be sure you try the shoes on with the insoles of your choice inserted to make sure they fit.
Do the following 50 times: Holding two small rubber balls, squeeze and release repeatedly. This exercise is used in physical therapy sessions at hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Do it while still young to avoid future stiffness. There are wrist braces made with a metal insert and a soft material covering the metal. If you should ever sprain a wrist the ball exercise will help you recover use of your hand.
Follow a personal care routine: You’re an adult — I don’t have to remind you to brush your teeth. You can whiten in all flavors. Some get rid of plaque. There’s a sensitive formula and one for smokers. There’s one mouthwash that kids use before brushing. And a wide array of mouthwash for adults. Dental floss is important too.
Warm foot bath: Once a week let your feet soak for ten minutes in warm water. Dr. Scholls has a special salt to soak in. It comes conveniently packaged for individual use. A peppermint gel rubbed on feet and legs is invigorating. For anyone with bunion or callous problems there are many bandages and ointments.
Talk to someone: Spend ten minutes on the phone, chat with a neighbor or go online and join a friendly group. You can discuss the new products made just for kids. Preventative medicine many of them and fun to use.
Smile: You can smile at someone or just grin when you’re alone. By smiling you automatically cheer yourself up. If already happy, you’ll get happier. No magic. When you use the “smile muscles” on your face it has that effect. Whenever your lips are chapped it hurts to smile though. Chapstick is available in regular flavors and medicated.
Each day — start with your eyes and work your way down following these habits. You can finish each one in as little as ten minutes. Six weeks from now you’ll feel good enough to smile without having to be reminded.
The news is out. Listen to the radio. Watch tv. Read a magazine. Everyone is delivering the news about longevity. The expression 40 is the new 30 — or 50 is the new 40 are repeated almost daily. Everyone feels the need to look younger, act younger, dress in their daughter’s clothes. How about the need to FEEL younger. No one — and I mean no one wants to see a mature woman in a bikini or the guy in his late forties swimming in a speedo. People hardly know where to look. Instead of worrying about appearance why not concentrate on keeping yourself healthy. There are certainly enough products being sold to help you accomplish it.
Start cultivating good health habits while you are young. You can do these quickly in between classes or before the kids get home from school. These eight small habits will assist you in feeling great well into your golden years. The goal should be what activities you can do and enjoy — not how you look while doing them. Try to incorporate these eight simple tips into your routine and see what it does for you.
Stop to rest your eyes: In the middle of each day especially during allergy season sit in a comfortable chair. Use eye drops for red, itchey eyes. Then cover your eyes with a warm washcloth. Let your thoughts take you out of your surroundings for ten minutes. While the eye drops are soothing your eyes your pleasant thoughts are relaxing your entire body.
Take ten deep breaths: Breathe in as deeply as you can — then count to ten — then breathe out as slowly as you can. If you have any nasal stuffiness or feel a cold coming on rub some Vick’s Vapo Rub on your chest. It is a safe product that has been produced for ages. The vapors will remind you to breathe more deeply. This is good for your lungs. It keeps them clear and your breathing easy. Take a walk every day. Your kids will love to go with you (if you have kids). A good walking or running shoe will make this activity even more pleasant. Dr. Scholls makes insoles for every type of shoe. There are gel-filled insoles available also. Be sure you try the shoes on with the insoles of your choice inserted to make sure they fit.
Do the following 50 times: Holding two small rubber balls, squeeze and release repeatedly. This exercise is used in physical therapy sessions at hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Do it while still young to avoid future stiffness. There are wrist braces made with a metal insert and a soft material covering the metal. If you should ever sprain a wrist the ball exercise will help you recover use of your hand.
Follow a personal care routine: You’re an adult — I don’t have to remind you to brush your teeth. You can whiten in all flavors. Some get rid of plaque. There’s a sensitive formula and one for smokers. There’s one mouthwash that kids use before brushing. And a wide array of mouthwash for adults. Dental floss is important too.
Warm foot bath: Once a week let your feet soak for ten minutes in warm water. Dr. Scholls has a special salt to soak in. It comes conveniently packaged for individual use. A peppermint gel rubbed on feet and legs is invigorating. For anyone with bunion or callous problems there are many bandages and ointments.
Talk to someone: Spend ten minutes on the phone, chat with a neighbor or go online and join a friendly group. You can discuss the new products made just for kids. Preventative medicine many of them and fun to use.
Smile: You can smile at someone or just grin when you’re alone. By smiling you automatically cheer yourself up. If already happy, you’ll get happier. No magic. When you use the “smile muscles” on your face it has that effect. Whenever your lips are chapped it hurts to smile though. Chapstick is available in regular flavors and medicated. Each day — start with your eyes and work your way down following these habits. You can finish each one in as little as ten minutes. Six weeks from now you’ll feel good enough to smile without having to be reminded.
About the Author: James Brown writes about
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